Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fallout Shelters

The 1950 Fallout Shelter

In 1956
 Fallout shelters were used during the Cold War and from a nuclear attack! 
When the Civil Defense Administration was created. It  urged suburban Americans to prepare themselves for imminent disaster by building bomb shelters for their families.
Like this image about advertisements of the time showed mothers reading tp their children, while being comfortable as well in the shelter.

With only $3,000, anybody in the fifties could purchased a eight by fourteen foot steel shelter with enough food and water for at least five days. With the steel shelter it would have a radio and a generator and protecting suits incase of an aftermath of a attack. 


  1. its crazy how people went all out for the shelters. its really intresting in the bluit of them and the way it was designed

  2. I know! I kinda want one lol sounds interesting
